Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring is (Finally) Here!

The girl's and I spent Sunday afternoon playing on the swingset in the backyard - Claire loved the swing and Ella just loved being able to play outside again.

Claire was 7 months old last Thursday. She loves to eat and is clapping, blowing razberries and making kissing sounds. She is rolling both ways and I don't think it will be long before she is crawling and pulling herself up to stand.

Ella continues to try our patience on a regular basis - a note to all the new parents out there: you thought the "terrible two's" were bad, just wait until they turn three! We've been asking her what she wants to be when she grows up - Mike wants her to be a professional golfer and I was thinking a doctor - she says she is going to be a princess.

We leave for Florida next weekend! We will be on the Disney Wonder cruise ship Sunday through Thursday, at the Magic Kingdom on Friday, and then back home on Saturday. It's been a long time since we've been on a vacation, so we're really looking forward to it. This will be Ella's first "real" vacation and plane ride. It will also be the longest we've been away from Claire. Stay tuned - the next blog entry will be all about our trip!

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