Sunday, September 14, 2008

First Steps

Claire finally seems interested in walking and began taking her first steps this weekend. She wouldn't even walk with a push walker until two weeks ago, now she is excited to let go of the couch and dive into mommy's waiting arms! It won't be long and she'll be chasing her sister all over the house.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ella's 1st Dance Class

So these aren't the best pictures (I forgot my camera and had to take them with my cell phone), but Ella had her first dance class last night and absolutely loved it!

I was so proud of the way she listened to her teachers and waited patiently for her turn.

Here she is doing the crab walk - could use some practice.

Monday, September 8, 2008

1 Year Check-Up

Does this look like a little girl who just had 4 shots?

Claire went to the doctor today for her 1 year check-up. She didn't gain any weight in the last 3 months, but grew 1 inch - she is now 20 lbs 6 oz (35 th percentile) and 28 1/2 inches (25th percentile) - we knew she would slow down eventually. She was so traumatized by her immunizations and long morning without a nap, that she slept 4 hours this afternoon! As you can see above, everything was back to normal by evening.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Claire Bear!!!

I cannot believe that it has already been a whole year since Claire joined our family. Here are a few pictures of her first birthday party at the cottage on Saturday, August 30:

Mom, get this hat off of me

Less than thrilled

Mmmm, cake

The loot (we'll have to add on to our house to store all these toys)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Besides celebrating Claire's first birthday, this is how we spent our weekend:

Chillin' Out
Claire's new favorite funny face

Ella trying to copy Claire

Bathing Beauty